Approximately 100 students live in Munford. Munford Dorm is air-conditioned. Each floor is equipped with study rooms, a large kitchen (with an oven, microwave, refrigerator and sink), and two bathrooms (one for each half of the hall). There are three floors and no elevators.
The first floor is a communal space for all students of the IRC, the location of many events, and is in general a social environment that fosters both social and academic bonding. The MGP, aka Munford Gathering Place, is home to the famous Potlatch, a table where any food left on it is up for grabs. It's common to recieve a late night e-mail notifying the whole IRC that there is extra pizza, and that you should grab a few pieces. By the way, there're only two boxes left, you should hurry!
Take a moment to explore everything on the first floor, including Diagram Alley, the Fishbowl, Computer Room, Brown Board Room, and Klazzroom.